Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Types of Desktop Investigations Digital Forensic Investigations

Desktop Investigation is a customer-focused structured telephone interviewing technique that is used to effectively validate genuine claims while flagging prospective 'High Risk' claims against both investigation and indemnification concerns.

Our primary goal with our Desktop Investigation Service is to use our skills to develop empathy and rapport with the consumer while conducting an interview that incorporates behavioural psychology. This guarantees that customers with valid claims feel supported with a pleasant customer journey, while exposing discrepancies or deception in the proportion of claims that are not genuine in part or in whole in a non-confrontational manner.

Our Desktop Investigation Service allows for consistent, auditable, and accurate risk assessment, with a primary focus on treating all of your clients fairly.

We concentrate on the circumstances that preceded and followed the claim, as well as the things involved. Desktop investigation can be used as part of any process if the information acquired during an interview has a financial impact.

Effective desktop investigation provides a third outcome, in addition to settlement and repudiation: the 'walk away.'

Customers who exhibit dishonest reactions are offered the option not to take claims further or 'walk away' through the use of subliminal signals.

What Role Do Desktop Investigations Play?

Desktop investigation can be used to determine whether or not a person has any social media accounts and how frequently they are utilised. This strategy is useful in criminal cases, where evidence can be utilised to assess the person's social persona. It also has a big impact on the hiring process. Furthermore, desktop investigations can be undertaken to discover a person so that they can be served with various documents relating to work, personal, or formal court action.

The following are key features of desktop investigators:

We have employed desktop investigation successfully in the following areas: motor theft, property claims, creditor claims, travel claims, and liability assessment.

Our crew is well-versed in insurance as well as psychology.

On Travel and Household claim types, full delegated authority is available.

When inconsistencies are discovered, more traditional investigative methods can be utilised as needed, certain that any additional costs are justified.

Our final report includes our key findings, validation of the facts leading up to and around the incident, risk assessment, policy indemnity and liability inquiries, and our key conclusion and recommendations based on the recorded Desktop Investigation interview.

Participation of all other important stakeholders and suppliers. For more information, visit us!

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